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   membership Q/A   

Questions about Membership at HDBC

1. Do I need to take the HD Ready class before I join?

You may take the class before or after you join.  Your membership is not complete until you have fulfilled all four requirements for membership, including the HD Ready class.

2. Should I talk with a pastor on the HDBC staff before joining?

It would be very helpful to visit with one of our pastors before you join.  This is an opportunity to share your personal testimony of salvation and confirm your desire to serve Christ through HDBC.  


3. What is expected of me if I become a member?

At HDBC, every member is expected to Love God, Connect with Others and Serve the World.  You can do these by participating in worship services (love God), participating in a small group (connecting with others), and participating in ministry, service and mission opportunities (serve the world).


4. How do I present myself for membership?

To indicate your desire for membership at HDBC, please contact our pastor. He is available at the completion of the message during each Sunday worship celebration. You may also contact him at You will be introduced to the church as a candidate for membership.  Church membership will become a reality upon your completion of the four steps to membership listed above.


5. Are there things that would prohibit me from becoming a member?

The church belongs to Christ. Therefore we align our membership requirements and guidelines with the truth revealed in his word (the Bible) rather than with the culture.  The culture accepts and embraces many things that are condemned in the Bible.  We readily admit that no church is perfect or sinless.  We are all broken people whom God is in the process of fixing.  We are all sinners; therefore all people are welcome to attend our worship services, be involved in our small groups and study God’s word with us.  No one is excluded.  No one is unwelcome.


However, when it comes to membership, we must draw some clear lines which reflect the Biblical teachings on purity, holiness, and how believers are to conduct themselves.  Therefore, there are some situations which are culturally acceptable but which would prohibit membership.   .


Here are a few issues that would affect a person’s ability to become a member of HDBC:


Living together, but not married.

Sex is a precious gift of God intended to be enjoyed only in the context of a Biblical marriage (one man and one woman).
Sex outside of marriage is sin and is repeatedly condemned in scripture.  (Acts 15:20Romans 1:291 Corinthians 5:16:13187:210:82 Corinthians 12:21Galatians 5:19Ephesians 5:3Colossians 3:51 Thessalonians 4:3Jude 7).


If you are living together, but not married, you will need to postpone membership until you begin to live separately or get married.  This is not intended to judge the couple, but to honor God.


Being in a gay or lesbian relationship.

The Bible repeatedly condemns gay and lesbian activity as sin.  Please see our statement on marriage and same-sex attraction.  If you are living in a gay or lesbian relationship you will need to postpone your membership until you are no longer participating in a gay or lesbian lifestyle.

Living a transgendered lifestyle.

The Bible teaches that God created humanity as male and female.  These gender distinctions are determined by God through the conception process.  Please see our statement on transgender identity issues.  If you are participating in a transgendered lifestyle you will need to postpone membership until you no longer embrace and participate in that lifestyle.

6. What do I need to do to maintain my membership status?

Your membership status will remain active as long as you actively participate in the life of the church and are not the subject of church discipline. Any member who is found to be inactive for one year will be listed as an inactive member. If a member remains inactive for three years, they will no longer be considered a member.

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