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   Salvation & Baptism   

Matthew 18:3 - "And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Baptism is one of the first steps of obedience for a new believer. This is no different for children. We trust you, as parents, in this process. There is no greater opportunity for parents than to surround their children in a Christian home and to lead them to the Lord. As a parent, we would like for you to be as involved in the process as you would like to be. HDBC Kids is here to assist you and your child through this exciting time!

  If your child has expressed an interest in becoming a Christian, our Children's Minister would love to meet with you! If he or she has already made a profession of faith, the next step is baptism. Prior to baptism, a child should meet with the Children’s Minister or other counselor. The child may then formally join the church by going forward on a Sunday morning.
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